Great staff and management, helpful consultations. I sold my unit within 1 week after listing with them. I would strongly recommend to others.
- Anita
Iman and Minoo were our agents for apartment we recently purchased. They were professional, punctual, and extremely reliable through the whole process and explained each step in details. Buying in Vancouver market is stressful but these guys made it lot easier with their professionalism and positive attitude.Highly recommended!
- Leila D
My husband and I have a great experience of purchasing both commercial and residential properties with Vanak International Properties! They're really professional in finding a good fit for your Budget and your Style!
You wouldn't have any problem in purchasing a property as they help you with the whole process from A to Z. Highly recommended!
- Somi P
Super friendly staff and welcoming. Thank you for such great experience helping me for my commercial property.
- Taha T
Shawn and Erfan helped us for our house hunting quest while we received periodic advices from Amin as well. Highly recommended
- Shahab S
I met Moe a few weeks ago, and it's been a pleasure working with him! His professionalism and transparency is simply amazing!!!!
- Harry G
Great boutique brokerage for all levels of agents. Great access to brokerage resources. Highly recommended.
- Iman S
Quick Acting, Transparent and Effective advice, Great rental Problem solving and finding tenants.
- Lexander S